Pst. E.A. Adeboye 8 December
Memorise: How sweet are thy words unto my taste! yea, sweeter than honey to my mouth! Psalms 119:103
Read: Psalms 119:97-104
Another mark for identifying the righteous is how he or she loves the Word of God. Psalms 119:97 says:
O how love I thy law! it is my meditation all the day.
Bible is the authentic manual of righteousness. Every righteous person
loves the Word of God genuinely. The Psalmist says he loves it so much
that he thinks on it daily. In Joshua 1:8, we are instructed to meditate
on God's Word day and night- this covers both the Written Word -the
Bible as well as the Spoken Word -some prophetic words the Lord has
personally given to you. Do you know that the more you read, study and
meditate on them, the more you see them actualised in your life and
situation? While believers generally study the Bible and meditate on
them so as to be successful, the righteous read, study, meditate,
memorise and obey God's Word because of their love for God. They do not
read their Bibles in the morning just because someone will ask: "Did you
read your Bible this morning?" They read it because it is their Lover's
love letter. Married couples know how they often times read again the
love letters their spouse wrote to them while in courtship. When
distressed, confused and unhappy, they will go and search for those
letters and read them. Some will almost study the letters, while others
will read it over to themselves until they forgot their difficulties.
Bible is God's love letter to you. How often do you read it? The
Psalmist says this love letter is so sweet to his spiritual taste buds
that it is sweeter than honey to his mouth. If God's Word is not as
sweet to your mouth, it is doubtful if you are righteous. The Psalmist
also loved God's Word so much that he experientially discovered it gives
great peace to those that read it and it insures them against offences
(Psalms 119:164-168). How much do you love God's Word? To what extent
does the Bible guide your daily living? Ask God for grace to love His
Word more than what you love most.
Lord, from today, Let Your Word be sweeter than honey to my taste buds.
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