Pst. E.A. Adeboye 11 December
Memorise: Tilt a dart strike through his lives; as a bird hasteth to the snare, and knoweth not that it is for his life. Proverbs 7:23
Read: Proverbs 7:17-27
If anything God gave to you such as your life, spouse, children, job or business, intelligence, good health, spiritual gifts and graces, and even financial and material possessions, is precious to you, then keep satanic offers billions of miles away. John 10:10 says whenever the devil comes, forget the promises he makes; it is to steal. If he cannot steal from you, he will not waste his time coming in the first place. How then could you think that when you obey the devil in committing adultery or fornication you will not lose anything? You are so highly deceived! The greatest losers are those who engage in sexual sins especially because their bodies are involved and as a result they drive God out of their hearts and welcome the devil in. Oh! If only you know what you are losing by that single act of sex, you will never dare it again! If you are still living in fornication or adultery, you are a big time loser.
Proverbs 6:26 says it is the precious thing you have that is the target of the devil during your sexual act. While you are relishing in ecstasy for a few minutes of pleasure, you are losing what it took you several years of agonising prayer, fasting, seeking God's face and self denial to obtain. It is like pulling down a house. Some people build their house for up to six months, one year, five years or even more. But bring a bulldozer or let there be a fire outbreak in the house and the house is down in a matter of minutes. Fornication razes you down even below your foundation in a matter of minutes! Every fornicator is a loser. Also, fornication or adultery does not allow its victim to have permanent blessings. When God gives such victims a blessing that they are expected to secure through righteousness, the moment they fornicate, the blessing is eaten up and before they realise it, everything is gone. Are you secretly fornicating or committing adultery even as a Christian worker, or minister? You are undoing yourself. Repent and stop it now before it takes your life and sends you to hell!
When you fornicate, you lose precious seeds physically and spiritually, which may never be recovered.
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