Pst E.A. Adeboye 21 December
Memorise: Cast me not away from thy presence; and take not thy
holy spirit from me.
Psalms 51:11
Read: Mark 15:33-34
Another benefit that can be derived from being a carrier of
God's presence is justice. It is possible to gel justice after presenting your
case to the King of kings in a time of so much injustice. When God gives His
verdict in your favour, no earthly judge can reverse it (Psalms 17:1-3). The
more of God's presence you carry, the more of His benefits you will enjoy. How
many of these blessings are you currently enjoying? Seek more of His presence
in your life daily. If all you can have is His mighty presence in your life, it
is worth it because that is what makes the difference in a man's life. May His
presence continue to multiply in your life in Jesus name.
However, the greatest set back an individual can have is to lose
God's presence. When His presence withdraws, His glory departs. No words can
describe the misery, shame, torment and desperation that follows. Let us look
at some case studies. When Jesus Christ hung on the cross in excruciating
pains, what He suffered was nothing compared to when His Father turned away His
face because of the sins of the world Jesus carried. Our Lord lamented this
sudden separation from His Father's presence. You will notice that immediately
the Father withdrew, darkness took over the air. When God departs, darkness
rules. God is light and when light goes out, darkness gains ground. Light and
darkness can never mix. When you carry God's glory, you carry God's light. The
more the glory you carry, the brighter the shine and the lesser the operation
of darkness in your life. The agony the Lord went through on the cross when the
Father turned away His face from the Son is only a pointer to the greatest of
agony when Jesus turns away His face from someone who claimed to have known Him
while alive, after they meet at Heaven's gate. If Jesus could cry at His
Father's departure for such a brief moment, no sinner can endure the pains of
eternal separation from God in Hell. Do ail you can today to avoid Hell.
Father, whatever it takes to avoid being separated from You, do
it in my life by all means.
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