Friday, November 30, 2012

Open Heavens 2012-1 DecemberIDENTIFIED BY BOLDNESS

Pst. E.A. Adeboye 1 December


Memorise: The wicked flee when no man pursueth: but the righteous are bold as a lion. Proverbs 28:1

Read: Psalms 34:1-5

The righteous is identified by the level of boldness he or she exudes in God.
Proverbs 28:1 says:

The wicked flee when no man pursueth: but the righteous are bold as a lion. Righteousness builds up your faith in God until all the' space for unbelief and doubts are completely occupied. Every righteous act gives you some elements of boldness. Righteousness contains the tried and tested building blocks for boldness. The one who is living righteously has confidence that all is well and cannot easily be pushed abound by circumstances or enemies. The righteous does not respond to threats in fear but rather with joy as the fellow knows whoever threatens him is threatening the Almighty God and is assured that enemy will soon become history. It is sinners and those believers who have skeletons in their cupboards or lack knowledge that are easily afraid. A lizard moves across their door and they panic. If you are easily scared, check yourself: something is either wrong with your life of righteousness or you do not know who you are. You might have compromised on holiness at some point. The righteous pride themselves not in their ability, knowledge, wisdom, wealth or achievements, but in the ability of their God.

The righteous are people of courage. They know that their God is in charge. This was why Daniel could go into the lion's den and also why the trio could enter Nebuchadnezzar's fire. Psalms 34:2 says it is in God we make our boast. Daniel 11:32 says the knowledge of God in you produces strength and exploits. When you meet the righteous who knows his or her God, the boldness that will be seen from such a fellow will inspire others to covet the God of that believer. Are you bold? Are you radiating courage wherever you go? Every sin you allow into your life depletes your boldness. Ensure you live right before Hi so that you can demonstrate His boldness in your life.

If you live in sin, you are a victim of fear. If you live in righteousness, you will exude courage.

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