Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Open Heavens 2012 16 October-FINGER OF WAR & COMFORT

16 October

Memorise: And God shall wipe away all teal's from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are poised away.   Revelation 11:4

Read: Revelation 21:1-5

The finger of God is a finger of war and He teaches our own fingers also to fight.

Blessed be the LORD my strength, which teacheth my hands to war, and my fingers to fight. Psaims144:1

Exodus 15:3 says God is a man of war. There is no one as experienced as the Lord when it comes to war. He is the greatest war veteran. There is no type of missile that He does not have in His armoury. Not only that, He is the One who controls all weapons on earth and in Heaven. Any weapon He says should not work against you will suddenly become useless (Isaiah 54:17). When God puts His finger on your hand while you are about to fight the enemy, you will suddenly receive a knowledge that will give you victory over the enemy. In this way, He teaches us to war. When He puts His finger on your fingers, they will manipulate weapons they have never operated before in ways those who were trained cannot operate them. When He puts His fingers on yours, your weapon will no longer be limited as other ordinary weapon of its kind, but will have the ability to work for you physically and spiritually. This was the experience of the king when through the hand of Elisha, the finger of God was laid upon his hands (2 Kings 13:14-19). When that same finger was laid upon the ordinary rod of a shepherd - Moses, it began to swallow the powers of darkness, part the Red sea and perform great wonders.

If the finger of God comes upon your work instruments, weapons, certificates, talents and abilities, what was dormant will work, and what was working will operate at a super efficient level and achieve the impossible. Also, that same finger of God is the finger of comfort. When we meet with Him in Heaven, with those fingers, He will wipe away all tears from our eyes. From that moment and for all eternity, we will know no more sorrow, death, tears or pain. Are you in tears or sorrow today? What those fingers can do in eternity can be done today. God's fingers can give you a foretaste of the glory ahead Ask God to wipe away all tears from your eyes today with His fingers.

Father, lay Your fingers upon everything I touch from today.

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