Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Open Heavens 2012-1 November-LIFE FOR DEATH

Pst. E.A. Adeboye 1 November


Memorise: The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kilt, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly. John 10:10

Read: Revelation 1:17-18

This is incredible! Death that has held man in fear for ages bows before the presence of our God. The spirit of death can visit human beings, families, spiritual lives, businesses, projects, life's dreams and even animals. But the good news now is that death can only function when the Lord is absent. When He comes into the scene, death changes its name to life. In Revelation 1:1 8, He says:

I am he that liveth, and was dead: and behold, 1 am alive for evermore, Amen; and have the keys of hell and of death.

Jesus has authority over death and hell. He can release the one who was condemned to die and restore life to the fellow. John 10:10 says: The thief Cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. 1 am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly. Wherever the spirit of death has been sent against you, life is being sent to replace it in the name of Jesus Christ. Are you weeping because of the effect of death in your business? Weep no more! That business shall resurrect! Fresh life is coming into that business today.

However, what you need is the presence of God in your organisation or business. Some people keep their businesses away from God; no wonder death is taking its toll on them even when the owners are believers in Christ. They are only cheating themselves. In Revelation 3:20, Jesus knocks on the door of your life asking you to open every door to Him. He will not force Himself on you. It is the door you open to Him He will enter and secure. Open up your business to Him today! When God's presence is in your business, death will be kept at bay. He will warn you of jobs or contracts that can cause you pain and ask you to forget them. He will order your steps into your breakthrough and direct your goings every step of the way. Pay tithe on the profit of your transactions and don't be smart with Him. Sponsor the Gospel of Jesus Christ as your business partners with Him. Let Him be the chairman of your business and your organisation will remain relevant.

Father, wherever death has programmed against my life, give me life in its place.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Open Heavens 2012-31 October-BECAUSE HE IS INVOLVED

Pst. E.A. Adeboye 31 October


Memorise; To the intent that the living may know that the most High ruleth in the kingdom of men, and giveth it to whomsoever he will, and setteth up over it the basest of men.  
Daniel 4:17b

Read: Daniel 4:4-8, 17

When you are given a promise, before you believe it or otherwise, you will first consider the character and ability of the one who is making the promise. Basing your expectations on the promise of someone with questionable character or a liar or one who lacks the means is like pouring water into, a basket. Every drop of such expectations will be lost. Who is the one making these great and precious promises to us? It is the One who told Mary, a single lady, "You will have a son without meeting a man", and it was so. We are talking about the One who told Abraham he would have a son at age 100 and it was so. Has He made a seemingly impossible promise to you? As long as you are living righteously and have determined to continue with the Lord, the promise shall surely come to pass.

God has a purpose for everything He does. When He gave Nebuchadnezzar a dream, He kept back the interpretation for His son Daniel to declare. This tells us that God is totally in control of all His messages and revelations. If He wants to keep anyone in the dark concerning a particular revelation, He is free and nobody can query Him. When He gave this dream, it was to establish the fact that no king or kingdom is entirely sovereign. They all dance to His bidding even when He leaves them to do whatever they like. No king ascends the throne of any kingdom without His knowledge or permission, irrespective of their religious standing. God being God can allow something that would destabilise an organised setting just to make way for you and then reorganise the system with you at an advantaged position. That was what He did to Joseph. You may think you are most useless in a situation, but when He steps in, He will suddenly shore up your relevance. This season, the Lord will destabilise organisations and use that to bring you into a place of prominence in Jesus name. God is more than highly dependable.

Pray that believers in your nation will bear fruits of righteousness that will make unbelievers to identify them as the light of the world.

Monday, October 29, 2012

Open Heavens 2012-30 October-HE IS ALL GLORIOUS

Pst. E.A. Adeboye 30 October


Memorise: Lift up your heads, O ye gates; and be ye lift up, ye everlasting doors; and the King of glory shall come in. Psalms 24:7

Read: Psalms 24:7-10

Everything about the King of glory is glorious. The Bible says the heavens showcase God's glory (Psalms 19:1). When Jesus was born, the angels sang, "Glory to God in the highest" (Luke 2:14). God's Son was reported to be full of God's glory John 1:14). What of His residence?! Timothy 6:16 says:

Who only hath immortality, dwelling in the light which no man can approach unto; whom no man hath seen, nor can see: to whom be honour and power everlasting. Amen.

He covers Himself with light as a dress. Everything about Him carries His glory.

When you see whatever He does or whatever comes from Him, you will see a mark of His glory on them. According to Ecclesiastes 3:11; He makes all things beautiful. Anything He does is simply perfect. When He heals, He leaves no scar behind unlike what we experience through medical science. You remember when He healed Naaman of his notorious leprosy? His skin became like a baby's. There was no trace that he had ever been leprous all his life! (2 Kings 5:14). An African proverb says: When a mad man is cured, there will still be a little trace of madness in him. But this is not so with the king of glory. When He delivered the mad man of Gadara, who was somewhere at the peak of madness, He turned the man into an evangelist (Mark 5:1 -20). Nobody will believe that it was the same violent mad man they had been fleeing from that was now bringing the good news of Jesus Christ to them. What of when He sets you free from slavery? You can be certain He will not let you go empty-handed. When He set the captives free from Egypt, He made sure they plundered the wealth of Egypt. All their unpaid wages for over 400 years were delivered to them in one night. In one night, the average Israelite, who was a poor slave, became a millionaire because the King of glory stepped in (Exodus 12;35-36). In your life, the King of glory will step in. Invite Him in to make everything about you, glorious.

Command every gate in your life to be lifted so that the King of glory may usher in an era of glory into your life.

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Open Heavens 2012-29 October-POWER OF A SEED

Pst. E.A Adeboye 29 October


Memorise: Then judgment shall dwell in the wilderness, and righteousness remain in the fruitful field. Isaiah 32:16

Read: Isaiah 55:10-13

According to Isaiah 55:10, both seed and bread come from God. It takes sowing a seed to be able to get bread. Many people cannot access bread and are starving because they either failed to sow their seed or ate them. Do you remember to sow your seeds? Another thing we learn here is about the power of a seed. There is tremendous power buried inside that tiny little seed you often look down on. When you plant a grain of corn or two, within a few months, the harvest can provide enough corn in the curbs to fill your stomach. This simply confirms scriptures that a seed will give you bread if it is sown.

Why do you have to sow your seed? It is to enable you realise its full potential. For every seed, the immediate potential is a tree and the remote potential is a forest.

Until the spirit be poured upon us from on high and the wilderness be a fruitful field, and the fruitful field be counted for a forest Isaiah 32:15

This implies that, what you need to change your entire destiny is how you handle your first seed and the subsequent seeds it gives you. In 2 Kings 4:1-7, a poor widow was disturbed by her creditors. "What do you have?" Elisha asked her. "Nothing, but a pot of oil", she replied. "That is a seed. Pour it out!" He said. She could have objected that she could not part with the only thing she had left. If she had, her seed would have been there but she would have lost her two sons to the creditors and she would have died in poverty. She did not know that in her seed, the pot of oil, lay the money to make her debt free. She did not know that i n her seed was her dream of becoming a multi-millionaire, and a business tycoon. In her seed lay her future. Thank God she poured it out. Part with your seed today, because as long as you keep it in your bank account, it will not release its full potential to you. Your future lies inside your seed. This is why only the wise (el low will continue to sow at every point in time without complaining, because he or she knows what the seed can do for him or her.

Your seed is a means to convey you into your dream of a glorious future.

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Open Heaven 2012-28 October-LOVE BIRDS 2

Pst. E.A Adeboye 28 October


Memorise: And Enoch walked with God: and he was not; for God took him.  Genesis 5:24

Read: Genesis 5:22-24

True lovers enjoy each other's company and fellowship. When one lover has the opportunity to spend time with the other and for any reason missed that opportunity, he will not feel comfortable. God loves to fellowship with man. This has been so from the very beginning. God created man to fellowship with Him. This was why He created man in His own image and likeness. He wanted fellowship from man and not from animals or inanimate objects. He enjoyed corning to meet and fellowship with Adam in the cool of the day. How He cherished it! It became a daily appointment He never missed. Then imagine His disappointment when He came one day to the same place of meeting in the garden and Adam was nowhere to be found. So He began to search for him (Genesis 3:8-10). In spite of Adam's fall, fellowship was what made God to shed blood so that he could be forgiven. After that, God needed another person to continue from where Adam stopped. He kept searching until He found Enoch.

And Enoch walked with God; and he was not; for God took him. Genesis 5:24

In Genesis 5:22-24, it was repeated twice that Enoch walked with God. He walked with God for at least 300 years! The fellowship was so intense that God had to call him to glory to continue the fellowship there. During Sunday school, a child was asked to explain the story of Enoch and he said whenever God comes to visit Enoch, the latter will escort God. And when it is time for Enoch to return home, God will escort him. Then one day, they just kept walking until they got so close to Heaven that God told him not to go back. They walked together into Heaven. It may sound childish but any seeker of truth will know that this is a revelation from God, How is it with your walk with God? Do you have a regular time to fellowship with God? Some believers of several years do not have a standing altar of fellowship with God as a family. This is wrong, God wants to be intimate with you. Open yourself and family to God and create time for regular fellowship with Him.

Ask that every hater of God in your church and extended family be turned into a God lover.