Thursday, October 18, 2012

Open Heavens 2012-19th-October-ADDRESSED BY DRESSING

19 October


Memorise: Doth not even nature itself teach you, that, if a man have long hair, it is a shame unto him?  1 Corinthians 11:14

Read: Exodus 2:14-20

It is possible to be clothed and yet be naked. If you are physically clothed at the expense of your garment of righteousness, the result will be nakedness. Any dressing or adornment that makes you compromise God's standard of holiness must be destroyed. Many women spend hours painting their faces, making their hair, sitting before a mirror to see how they look but they cannot even spend a quarter of that time looking at the perfect law of liberty - the Bible, to correct their lives and see how they look before God. You may put on the best designer wear on earth and the world will applaud you whereas you are completely naked before God and all of Heaven will shame you. The choice is yours. The Laodicean church preferred to be accepted by men and chose poorly. That was a poor choice. What is your choice?

Although it is good to be well dressed, yet God is more concerned about your internal dressing and adornment. It is commonly said that the way you dress is how you will be addressed. If a pastor's wife is dressed like a prostitute, the men who see her may want to sleep with her or even rape her. The truth is some Christian women  have  attracted   rapists to  themselves  through  indecent dressing. If a lady dresses decently and honourably, men who see her will treat her with respect. In the world, this is also true. If you dress like the world, the world will think you are one of them and do to you what they do to their kind. If you say you are not of the world then what are you doing wearing their clothes? When Moses - a Hebrew and potential deliverer went on exile to Midian, he was taken and addressed as an Egyptian because he wore Egyptians clothes. After that experience, nobody would have taught him to discard those clothes and dress properly. How are you dressed today? If you do not want men to treat you like whore, don't dress like one. Dress well and let God's name be glorified though your dressing.

A few decades ago, Christians were first identified by their dressing. Today it is not so but we can retrace our steps.

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